Title: « Aus dem Wartezimmer des Krieges »: The Non-Experience of World War One in Luxembourg
Author, co-author: Millim, Anne-Marie
Abstract: This article aims to contribute to the reconstruction of Luxembourg’s war experience and to analyse Weber’s literary and theoretical renditions of these events. It will investigate Weber’s experience of non-experience and highlight the ways in which he sought to describe and overcome the sense of ineffectuality and uselessness that came with being ‘put on hold’ by the war as a nation and as a human being. Weber’s reflections mix physical, mental, and intellectual pain, creating a sense of absurdist, non-productive suffering, which he, with wavering conviction, seeks to counteract by drawing on the physicality of the personal and collective body.
Author, co-author: Millim, Anne-Marie
Abstract: This article aims to contribute to the reconstruction of Luxembourg’s war experience and to analyse Weber’s literary and theoretical renditions of these events. It will investigate Weber’s experience of non-experience and highlight the ways in which he sought to describe and overcome the sense of ineffectuality and uselessness that came with being ‘put on hold’ by the war as a nation and as a human being. Weber’s reflections mix physical, mental, and intellectual pain, creating a sense of absurdist, non-productive suffering, which he, with wavering conviction, seeks to counteract by drawing on the physicality of the personal and collective body.