Title: (Re)reading Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s 'The Yellow Wallpaper'
Author, co-author: Prüm, Agnès
Abstract: This presentation explores constructions of 'female' spaces in literary texts of the turn of the 19th century in relation to the amalgamation of gender, desire and biological sex in the medical discourses of the period. Rereading 'The Yellow Wallpaper' involves reading it alongside other texts that draw on the notion of entrapment to articulate the difficulties faced by female artists of the late nineteenth century.
Author, co-author: Prüm, Agnès
Abstract: This presentation explores constructions of 'female' spaces in literary texts of the turn of the 19th century in relation to the amalgamation of gender, desire and biological sex in the medical discourses of the period. Rereading 'The Yellow Wallpaper' involves reading it alongside other texts that draw on the notion of entrapment to articulate the difficulties faced by female artists of the late nineteenth century.